- 2025.02.06
- 2歳児のための英語教室と自宅での英語学習
- 2024.12.24
- 現代の親は子どもに留学させたい?させたくない?
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- 子どもを持つ親の間で話題になっている「おうち英語」がすごい!
What we think
There are a lot of good things in the printed materials like text books, note books, pamphlets, guide books and etc. On the other hand, there are other good things about the digital contents. It would be great if we can have good things in both worlds together.That is our starting point and still our driving force to develop more.Bridging the good things in the printed materials to the other good things in the digital contents would be great and east to use.We keep pioneering the possibilities of bringing good things in both world together.

Technology to make the dreams come true.
There has been some inventions like “barcode”, and then “QR code”.
Those technologies enabled the printed materials processed digitally.For us, both technologies are great but not good enough for easy handling.We wanted to have something better. Something which does not bother the original designs which artists have created but something still bridges the design to corresponding digital contents. So we come up with our “Grid Onput” technology.

Products everyone can use.
The technology is important, but we need something more than just technology to make it as a product.
Something which is easy and comfortable for everyone to use.
So we try to be a user to design, to apply our technologies.
We focus on customers’ needs to bring the right solution for each customer.